Ixabepilone & Tykerb
Success with this combination after only 3 treatments. My wife, Kathleen, is 58 yrs old, original breast cancer 7 years ago, removed left breast, standard chemo & radiation. Followed for 6 yrs with Herceptin when treatment discontinued. 9 months later her cancer returned with 3 lymph nodes involved and a mass above her heart. Treated with Tykerb & Xeloda for 9 cycles with terrible side effects & progression of disease. PET scan disclosed 8 lymph nodes involved, growth of mass above heart, & small mass in plura space below left lung. Discontinued Xeloda and began infusions of Ixabepilone every 3 weeks and continued daily Tykerb. After 3 infusions cancer is undetectable on PET scan. Will continue infusions for at least 2 more cycles & thereafter the plan is to continue daily Tykerb and monitor cancer. Consider this treatment!