Sunday, November 13, 2005

November 13, 2005

They were right.  Triple doses don't seem to have different side effects than single doses.  I had my first triple dose on November 3, and the doses will be timed perfectly for me to avoid getting Herceptin before anything important the next couple months (like skiing over winter break :-).  Which will be interesting since I didn't ski once last year!)

Hopefully I will connect this week with Walt Carney at Oncogene Science in Cambridge.  I want to talk to him about monitoring approaches for potential recurrences.   When I interviewed him for the story in the Scene, he was kind enough to offer to talk to me anytime about my own situation.  We traded emails last week regarding finding a time to have a phone conversation.

On November 22nd it will be one year since my diagnosis.  It seems like forever ago.

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