Sunday, November 27, 2005

November 27, 2005

Second triple dose of Herceptin went fine again this week.  I have the ladies on the Her2 support website to thank for the advice about switching to every three weeks.  I am still tired the weekend after the treatment, but it is very manageable.

I still have not heard anything about the vaccine trials that I want to join, especially the one in Seattle.  I had blood work done to check my menopausal status, and I am definitely not in menopause.  So I have to wait for the pre-menopausal trial to open up.  However, now that I am on Herceptin, I am not as worried about finding a trial.  There is a oral drug that Glaxo-Smith Kline is introducing late next year or early 2007 that's specifically for Her2 cancers.  So that one should be just in time for me, if it turns out that I need it.

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