Thursday, July 17, 2008

July 17

Recovery has been fairly smooth sailing.  I have been back at work full time this week and I'm still feeling fine.  I haven't yet gone back to teaching my biking classes at the Neenah YMCA, but I expect I will be back doing that next week or for sure the following week.  The surgical site remains a little bit sore, but at this point it's really no more than a minor irritant.

I was supposed to have an appointment with my oncologist this afternoon, but when I got there they said that they thought that I had canceled it.  I called earlier in the week and told them that I was postponing my Herceptin
injection but that I would still see the doc, but they must have gotten confused.  So now I need to wait a week or two.  And I still don't know the Her2 results, so hopefully I will be able to track that down soon.  When I met with the surgeon, she told me that the post-treatment drugs women take for ER/PR positive breast cancer only prevent breast cancer, and since I had my breast tissue removed, I have nothing to protect.  But now I'll have to wait until I get al the path results and I have a chance to talk to my oncologist before I decide if I want to do something different than I have already been doing.  So I'll have to tell you about that in a later post.

Thanks so much for all your cards, well wishes and surprises--all of it really makes me smile :-)

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