Friday, October 28, 2005

April 3, 2005

I have had three weeks of chemo since surgery, and I have to admit that the chemo isn’t quite as easy post-surgery as it was pre-surgery.  But I am still doing well—just a bit more tired.  I felt a little nausea yesterday but that could have been anything…not necessarily related to the chemo…we’ll see.  My blood counts were pretty low this week, so I imagine that I will not get full chemo this week.

My other post-surgery issues are going great.  I have full range of motion in my left arm (at least in my opinion I do—we’ll see what Ray says this week).  And my incision scar is very thin and looks great—Ray did a fabulous job!  I bought a bunch of cami’s from Express and Gap and that’s what I am wearing instead of whatever special undergarments that go along with a mastectomy.

I did have some pain around the incision two weeks ago and I was worried about it so I went in to be checked— I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t tearing something internally.  It was like I had two bumps near the incision that felt like big bruises. Imagine my reaction when Ray told me that those bumps were my ribs!  They were a bit inflamed probably because of the internal sutures.  And since I have never before had so little tissue covering my ribs, this concept never dawned on me.  I laughed so hard, and of course Ray did a stellar job of remaining a serious physician.  I am sure that he and Genie had a good laugh—but I did call her as I was leaving the clinic so she would hear it from me rather than from Ray :- )

Tomorrow I start working full time again, and I started teaching spin again last week Friday.  So far so good…

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