Friday, October 28, 2005

December 2,2004

(this is the one I sent where I was drunk on chemo :- )

Vals Scoops on Recovery....

If you don't want to be included my email updates, please send me a note and I will stop sending them.  Please know that you aren't expected to respond--this is just my way of keeping everyone informed.  Most of you I talk to in person or on the phone, but sometimes I forget to tell you everything.

Monday I had an MRI on the left (affected) side.  The other side was done Wednesday evening.  Those tests were to get a clearer idea about the positioning of the cancer.  Tuesday I had a total body scan to see if there the cancer was localized or if it had spread to other areas.  It appears that the tumor is close to the chest wall but has not treaveled to that tissue.  The body scan didn't show evidence that the cencer cells have travelled.   The scans are fairly accurate, so I am please to hear that we are only dealing with cancer in the breast, but I know that the scans are not an exact science so I will keep an open mind about changing the course of treatment at some point :-)

I started chemo today and it went well.  I feel tired, mainly due to the anti-nausia meds, I think.  I am just so glad to have all those little chemo nano-probes out there waging my war for me--it's nice to have them on my side!

The chemo will last at least two months, once a week.  After that I will have surgery for whatever is left, to be followed by radiation. Ray Georgen continues to be my guardian angel on the medical sisde -- he sometimes readds my fils before the radiologists see them!  He couldn't beat Tom Tolly yesterday though, since I was at St. E's :-)  And Genie has a sophistcated speadsheet that contains info on the dinners people are bringing and the car pools for the kids.  It make me cry when I think of our friends and how supportive you all are.  I know that many of you have asked what you can do for us, and I still don't know the answer to that exactly.  I will talk to Genie and Brenda and find out what I might need and I will email a list of ideas (Genie is still in chargee of the food part) -- if you want that list, please send me an email and I will get it to you.  Unfortunately I haven't kept a very good list of the literally dozens of people who have offered to help drive, make food, etc.  I am so amazingly blessed by each of you :-)

The kids are still doing well.  Charlie butched his hair off this week in support of my soon-to-be-bald head.  He is also talking about having a fundraising party with his friends for Christine Ann Domestic Abuse.  I usually do one this time of year, but it was cancelled for obvious reasons (Pam, don't get your hopes up--he is thinking he will collect $2 each at the door).  

Please keep the thoughts and prayers coming :-)
I will keep you posted!!
Love Val

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