Friday, October 28, 2005

April 8, 2005

I think the nausea is part of the deal for me now.  Today I definitely felt it...not enough to puke or anything, but certainly enough to require me to lay low.  I did teach spin this morning; the nauseous feeling didn't start until just before noon.  I have meds I can take to prevent nausea, but they make me drowsy, and if I sleep during the day I won't be able to sleep at night :-)

So today I laid around and starting watching all the episodes of "Friends" on DVD (thanks to my co-worker Ann who lent 8 seasons to me).  And on such a beautiful day...what a shame that I was inside.  Tomorrow I have promised myself that no matter how I feel I am going to get into that little car of mine, put the top down and drive around in the nice weather :-)

And of course I haven't been out on my road bike yet this season.  John has gone out a couple times, and I am going to start doing some short distances pretty soon.

And here is a hair update:  I had a one month break from chemo, and it takes three weeks for you to lose your hair once you start chemo, so I have a curly 1/2" of hair right now.  But there is more grey than before--yikes!  I guess with my blonde hair that is so many different shades, the grey was blending in before.  I think in the next couple days I will start to lose the hair again, not sure.  The good news is that I have seven wigs and I just ordered another one--I got gutsy and ordered and almost-black one in a chin-length bob.  I'm anxious for another change!  So maybe it's time for another wig picture...

Next Thursday I will ask for only Herceptin (skipping the Taxol and Carboplatin chemo drugs) since I have to attend a dinner dance & fund-raiser for the Komen Foundation.  So I won't be nauseous next week :-)

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