Friday, October 28, 2005

December 16, 2004

Today was round three of chemo.  They reduced the amounts of two of the chemo drugs because my white blood cell count was even lower this week.  So I feel pretty well right now and I will hopefully write a better note this time; no big chemo hangover -- at least not as much as two weeks ago!

Because of the white blood cell count issue I am going to try to stay away from shaking hands or any type of contact where I could catch a virus.  Shannon gave me ideas about meditation to concentrate on multiplying my cells, and I had to laugh at myself yesterday.  I actually was talking out loud to my white blood cells in the car..."Ok you guys...if you all multiply NOW, I will have twice as many of you.  Ready...GO!"  And then I said (also out loud) "I cannot believe I am driving around talking to my blood."

The other thing I found out today is that I will have six months of chemo AFTER my surgery, THEN radiation!!  When John and I met with Ray the day I got my biopsy results and talked about the science behind my treatment, we were pretty focused on the concept of chemo before surgery.  I never even asked the oncologist about more chemo.  But of course I am still doing fine with that news--it's a bummer but what can you do?  It will just make vacations and things like chaperoning Charlie's DC trip in April an impossibility until late fall (I am so glad I bought trip insurance for DC :-)   And I am REALLY glad I bought so many wigs -- I am going to need them!!!

ALSO--I am so grateful that so many of you have contacted Genie about bringing meals over.  You can't believe what a life saver that has been.  It is really helping.  I was concerned that Genie wouldn't get through all the names on the list, but with this news, she may need a round 2 for meals :-)   I called Genie today and told her that she can back off on the requirement that the food not have strong tastes or odors, at least for now (I told her that she should still tell people to avoid the really wild stuff with really strong smells like Cajun, spicy Thai, etc -- I don't want to push my luck).  The anti-nausea drugs have really helped.  Sometimes I get a butterfly effect going on in my belly, but no nausea yet--thanks goodness!

This week I felt fine started Monday about noon -- I almost felt like nothing was wrong with me.  Too bad the whole cycle has to start over every Thursday!

I will only send updates if there is new news, so if you don't hear from me for a week or two, have an awesome holiday :-)

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