Friday, October 28, 2005

June 2, 2005

HUGE DAY!!!  My chemo days are pretty much over!  Today I got Herceptin only and ditto for the next two weeks.  Then I’m done!  And no more Carboplatin or Taxol ever again!  Those are the drugs that cause hair loss, nausea, etc.  Herceptin makes me tired the day I get it but that’s about it.

The other big news is that I had my PET scan yesterday and there is no sign of cancer anywhere in my body right now.  I need that “all clear” info for the clinical trial in Pennsylvania that I want to join, because to qualify you have to show that you have “no evidence of disease” (NED).

The next step is meeting with the radiation oncologist in Madison on June 10 for a second opinion.  Daily (5 days/week) radiation treatments will start sometime between the end of June and mid-July in Appleton and will last six weeks.  After that I can officially apply for the trial in PA.  Some of the technicalities of my radiation planning process are uncertain, but that will get decided after the 10th.

I will be on some sort of cancer drug for five years after everything is over, but that is standard for breast cancer patients.

I am so happy right now!  Life is good :- )

love and happiness to you!

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